Source Separated Organics
Food, Yard, Wood, Paper Waste
Carborex®MS & Sulfurex® for SSO
Disposal and treatment of organic waste is a huge challenge for the waste industry. In contrast to composting, biogas upgrading from anaerobic digestion offers a better alternative for handling organic waste as it is a net-energy producer. RNG facilities using Source Separated Organics not only assist in waste management but also create an additional revenue stream. From 99.5% CH₄ recovery rates to low-OPEX solutions, DMT systems are designed to maximize ROI in all aspects.
- Maximum CH₄ Recovery for ROI.
- High Uptime.
- CAPEX & OPEX Optimal.
What is Source Separated Organics?
In Source Separated Organics (SSO), compostable material is separated from other waste streams at the source of collection. Examples of SSO include food waste, yard and landscaping debris, wood waste and paper fibers.
Organic Waste for Anaerobic Digestion
Some organic waste is more difficult to break down than others in an anaerobic digester (AD). Food waste, fat, grease, and oil is easier to break down in an AD than livestock manure, for example. Biogas from SSO will often contain high levels of humidity and sulfur. While developers of biogas plants must be aware of potential gas contamination, DMT can provide integrated solutions that minimize risk and maximize investment.
Food Waste
Approximately 30 percent of the annual global food supply is wasted or lost. This statistic also aligns with the U.S. and Canada who waste more than 30 percent of their total food supply. Even though the U.S. has the 2030 Food Loss and Waste Reduction Goal to counteract food waste, organic material continues to make up more than 60 percent of the U.S. municipal solid waste (MSW) stream by weight. Unfortunately, most of this waste is sent to landfills. While there is the possibility to capture biogas from landfills, landfilling organic waste provides no opportunity to recycle or recover nutrients from SSO. The energy potential here is significant.