July 2020 - Industry Feature

Bioenergy Insight: Biomethane in Norway

For their July/August issue, Bioenergy Insight featured DMT’s biomethane project in Jevnaker, Norway that now converts organic waste into bio-CNG. Since 2010, Bioenergy Insight has built a reputation for delivering quality news, analysis, market information and technical articles relating to the biomass, biogas and biopower industries. Bioenergy Insight publishes their magazine six times a year.

Getting circular in Norway

The town of Jevnaker harnesses bio-CNG with DMT Clear Gas Solutions

After the 25th anniversary of the 1994 Olympics Winter Games, DMT reflected on a biomethane project in Jevnaker, Norway. This bio-CNG project was one of the first biogas upgrading facilities in Norway. As a result, this project paved the way for other biomethane plants in Europe to harness membrane technology during a time when other biogas upgrading technologies were dominating the market. Additionally, this project in Norway demonstrates how biomethane creates a circular economy. In doing so, we can be a part of the solution and not part of the problem.

biomethane project in Jevnaker, Norway
The HRA biogas facility collects 15,000 tons of organic household waste annually to generate biogas.

Green Olympic Games

The story begins in 1994 when the Olympic Winter Games came to Lillehammer, Norway. Deemed the first ‘Green Olympic Games’, the event laid the foundation for developing Olympic environmental standards and for strengthening Norway’s commitment to sustainability. More than 20 sustainability projects were implemented at that time. These projects focused on issues such as waste management, wildlife protection or resource quality. (Source: Olympics)

About the Project in Jevnaker, Norway

With the city of Jevnaker and surrounding towns wanting to play an active role, a consortium of waste facilities began subsequently working together to create one composting facility ran by Hadeland og Ringerike Avfallsselskap (HRA). From 1994 to 2005, the facility expanded with recycling, composting, landfill gas, and household plastic collection. In 2005, HRA built its first biogas plant from wet organic waste in order to heat and power a plant in Trollmyra. In 2014, the biogas plant was upgraded to handle double the capacity and updated to generate vehicle fuel. Today, HRA collects, sorts and recycles the waste from 66,000 inhabitants of Hadeland and Ringerike, and uses food waste to create renewable compressed natural gas (Bio-CNG).

Read more about the case study